Cupping- cupping therapy is one of the most commonly used techniques in Chinese medicine. It is a term used to describe treatments that are performed with the use of various types of bubbles as tools in which a vacuum is generated using fire. Cups are placed directly on the skin to break the local stagnation or remove pathogens. This ancient form of therapy is primarily intended to improve the overall condition of the body. Cupping is often used to eliminate increased muscle tension and trigger points. The purple reaction on the skin after the treatment is a signal to the body that it should produce more antibodies, so the immune system is activated.
improvement of blood and lymph circulation
oxygenation of the body
activation of the immune system
agitation of stagnation in the body
relaxation of tense muscles
Contraindications for the procedure:
high temperature (above 38.5 C)
blood coagulation disorders
a patient undergoing chemotherapy
autoimmune diseases